Sunday, February 22, 2015

La Cathédrale Notre Dame

La Cathédrale Notre Dame 

             La Cathédrale Notre Dame is more than 800 years old. Construction began in 1163 and was completed 100 years later. This Cathedral was commissioned by the French Bishop Maurice de Sully in 1160. He wanted to give the French capital a Cathedral that would match the grandiose and the gothic style of that time.  King Louis VII approved this project and basically the people in the city participated in the construction by either donating money or labor.  This Cathedral was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, “Our Lady of Paris.” even though there are less than 37 representation of the Virgin Mary inside of the Church.  La Cathédrale Notre Dame was 128 meters long with two 69 meter tall towers.  The spire over the crossing reaches 90 meters and was added in the northern. One of the fascinating features is the sculpted gargoyles and chimeras that adorn the Church. They were created by architect Eugène Viollet-le-Duc and the sculptor Victor Pyanet.   During the Revolution many of the Cathedral’s sculptured gargoyles and interior were removed.  Many political and religious events occurred there.  In this Cathedral was where where Pope Pius VII crowned Napoleon I Emperor of France in 1804 Pope John Paul II visited the Cathedral in 1980 and in 1997 for World Youth Day.

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