Sunday, February 22, 2015

La Conciergerie

La Conciergerie
La Conciergerie is located in the Ile de la Cite in Paris and was the first royal residence in Paris. It was commissioned by the first French King called Clovis in the 6th Century.   It was originally known as the Palais de la Cite.   La Conciergie had a gothic style and was long reaching the 64 meters 27.5 meters wide and 8.5 meters tall.  It was the Palace of French kings from the 10th century until the Royal residence was moved to the Louvre in 1358.  Later La Conciergerie became a prison in 1391 since it was very close to the Palace of Justice.   During the French Revolution in 1793-1794 about 2,780 people were sentenced to death and detained in La Conciergerie and later beheaded in the Place de la Concorde.   The French Queen Marie-Antoinette and sister of the King of Austria were among the people detained in La Conciergie at that time.

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